This is What Training Your Hotels on a Hotel VoIP System Looks Like

training hotels

If you’ve recently decided to install a hotel VoIP phone system, then congratulations are in order. With all the benefits that VoIP has to offer, you can provide a better experience for both your guests and employees, in addition to improving your hotel’s bottom line.

Once installation is complete, you’ll want to make sure that your hotel staff can get the most out of your new system. To that end, we thought it would be a good idea to go through some basic training tips that will ensure the best performance of your employees and the best experience for your guests.

Train Them on Making and Receiving Calls

The most obvious functions of any type of phone system are making and receiving calls. While this may seem like a rudimentary part of the training process, it is important that your employees are well-versed in the basic operation of the system. This is especially true if you have installed any new equipment to go along with the VoIP phone system. Make sure they understand all the ins and outs.

Train Them on Call Handling Features

One of the greatest things about a hotel VoIP phone system is the number of special features that are available. Some of these features are commonly found on traditional phone systems as well; they’re simply better on VoIP. Your staff should be trained on these features in addition to VoIP’s specialized features – such as Find Me / Follow Me – to help enhance the guests’ experience.

Train Them on How VoIP Works with Existing Software

The utilization of software has been a big part of the operation of a hotel’s phone system for quite a few years, but it seems to be a lot more evident once a hotel has upgraded to a VoIP phone system. Even if you’ve had similar functionality in the past, you will want to teach your employees how the software will specifically interact with VoIP to ensure that they can do their jobs to the best of their abilities.


Train Them on Voicemail Management

Voicemail has become one of the most useful features of a traditional phone system and that has continued with the use of VoIP. In fact, it is still regarded as one of the standard options that any phone system absolutely must provide. While voicemail management is not a difficult concept to grasp whatsoever, it is still important that you dedicate some of your training to the topic just in case anyone isn’t clear on some of its functionalities.

Train Them on Conference Calls

Your front desk workers probably won’t need to worry about handling conference calls in relation to the operation of your hotel, but it’s always good to have the knowledge of how to do so in case they are asked to join such a call. Plus, this is also an option that your guests may enjoy having, so you will definitely want to make sure they know how it works when the need arises.

Train Them on Dealing with Security Issues

The training of your employees would not be complete without teaching them a lesson on security. Over the years, VoIP has increasingly become more secure, so there is less chance of intrusion or data theft, but no system – VoIP or otherwise – is completely foolproof or secure. Make sure that your employees understand their role in keeping the VoIP system safe, what to watch out for, and what to do in the event of an intrusion.

Adding a VoIP system to your hotel’s existing technology offerings will improve both guest relations and employee satisfaction. To learn more about this exciting technology, reach out to the experts at Phonesuite and we’ll get you started right away.

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