Tech and Non-Tech Features Hoteliers and Guests Love (pt 2)

hotel technologyMaking travelers feel comfortable and happy is what your hotel is all about. It’s important, then, that all of your amenities and features have this simple objective in mind. Offering a well-balanced combination of traditional creature comforts and modern technological upgrades is what will keep your customers fully satisfied while making your staff’s lives as easy as possible. We already started looking at a number of essential hotel features last week, but we’re not quite finished with our list. Read on for even more tech and non-tech amenities that the best hotels provide to their guests. 

Self Check-In/Out

Travelers often find themselves in a hurry. When they arrive at your facility, they want to get checked in quickly so they can get settled into their rooms. When they’re ready to leave, they want to be able to get out the door fast, and back on the road. While it’s important to offer traditional guest check-in/out to those who prefer it, it’s equally important that you provide your guests with the option of checking in and out of your facility on their own. Some hotels do this by making use of kiosks or mobile applications while others offer self-checkout via VoIP phone systems. By finding what works for your hotel, you’ll improve guest experience while freeing up some of your staff’s time, so that they can handle more pertinent tasks. 

Green Laundry Processes

Today, people find themselves very environmentally conscientious. Whether they’re home or away, Americans want to make sure that they’re doing their part to protect our environment and its resources. As a result, a growing number of hotels are providing guests with the ability to opt out of everyday laundry services. Those who would like their bedding washed daily can indicate their preferences while those who would like to conserve water can elect to have their beds made but not washed. Guests can also choose to have their towels washed after each shower by throwing linens on the floor, or they can hang their towels to indicate that they would like to re-use the linens. Offering these eco-friendly laundry processes will improve your hotel’s image, preserve the environment, and save you money.

Custom Wake-up Calls

Even with mobile devices that feature alarms, today’s travelers still like to start their day with a personalized wake-up call. Setting up a wake-up call ensures that your guests are able to get up and out the door on time, even when they are jet-lagged or when their smartphones haven’t made the automatic switch to a new time zone. Modern telephone systems allow travelers to set up wake-up calls in their language of choice and can provide guests with information about local weather conditions and other pertinent bits of information.


Guests who are traveling with valuables will feel much more secure and at-ease when they are provided with an in-room safe. In addition to improving guest morale, using safes throughout your hotel can minimize your liability for theft. 

Find Me/Follow Me Capabilities

When a guest phones the front desk in need of a service, such as a maintenance call or laundry pick-up, they want to know that their needs will be taken care of right away. If your front desk staff are unable to locate your maintenance crew or maid service, there could be a significant time delay. Equipping your phone system with Find Me/Follow Me capabilities will ensure that your staff can quickly and effectively communicate with one another so that guests are accommodated promptly.

The best hotels know that offering both tech and non-tech features to guests is the best way to keep both travelers and employees as happy as possible. Learn more about how you can accommodate guest and staff needs by talking to a pro at PhoneSuite

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