Check out how basic guest settings & functions work on our hotel telephone system solutions.
PhoneSuite users how to set up and manage basic guest settings and functions of the PhoneSuite console system. This lesson covers topics such as creating a new user account, setting up voicemail and fax services, using PhoneSuite’s answering machine feature, configuring call forwarding, enabling caller ID blocking, setting calling restrictions for specific numbers, and much more.
PhoneSuite users will learn how to use PhoneSuite’s interface and the different settings available from within the PhoneSuite console system. In addition, PhoneSuite Lesson 3: Basic Guest Settings and Functions teaches PhoneSuite users about PhoneSuite’s Voiceware basic guest settings and functions.
This lesson covers PhoneSuite’s Voiceware features such as call recording, conference calling, and speakerphone capabilities. PhoneSuite users will also learn how to use
PhoneSuite’s Voiceware interface and the different settings available from within PhoneSuite’s system. PhoneSuite Lesson 3: Basic Guest Settings and Functions is an essential course for any PhoneSuite user who wants to get the most out of PhoneSuite’s features and learn how to use PhoneSuite at its full potential.
This lesson will help PhoneSuite users set up and manage their basic guest settings and functions with ease and confidence. Upon completion of PhoneSuite Lesson 3: Basic Guest Settings and Functions
PhoneSuite Lesson 3: Basic Guest Settings and Functions
Basic guest settings and functions of the PhoneSuite console system, other lessons include:
1) Getting to Know Your Phonesuite Console…
2) Basic Call Handling…
4) Advanced Call Handling…
5) Advanced Guest Settings and Fcns…